About me

 Professional Profile
  • Experienced, proven and collaborative design leader, known for the research, design and development of products that delight users and differentiate businesses
  • Multidisciplinary team builder with 19 years experience forging and scaling productive, high-performing teams of 10 - 60 at startups and large corporations
  • Strategic and systems thinker with experience developing and scaling complex design systems for enterprise and consumer products across physical and digital platforms
  • Completed an invited MBA-level leadership dev program for the top 10% of leaders
 Key Achievements
  • Consistently delivered $10s of millions in revenue, with increases in engagement and CSAT
  • Designed experiences that took products from last to first in their marketplaces globally
  • Transformed product development processes to embrace design thinking cross-functionally
  • Created design systems and governance model that scaled to 15,000 designers and engineers
 What I believe
  • Having started as a UX researcher, I drive teams to gather deep insights into unmet user needs and requirements, to inform designs that surprise and delight our users
  • We must collaborate to bring great products to market. No one discipline can do it alone. I facilitate rapid design labs to ideate and align teams around optimal solutions
  • I believe in LEAN experiments as a way to innovate
  • The total experience matters to the user and customer, not just the application UI
  • My goal is to inspire executives, users and customers, and my team
  • As a leader, when I hire people smarter than me and I support them, it uplifts us all
  • Design is about finding the optimal intersection between delight and monetization
  • UX is a strategic function in companies that differentiate on the experience