
Delivery Driver App

Ethnography, Visualization: Innovation
Great UX leaders call on user researchers who can draw on the framework of LEAN and rapid contextual research to engage in Lean Ethnography. They rapidly identify unmet user needs, and emotional connectors to a product or service.
Delivery Driver App
Visualization Showing New Delivery Driver App in Context
  • I was given five work days to ID the next gen device UX for delivery service (UPS) drivers.
  • The only requirements were efficiency and that it should work on an Android phone.
  • The traditional research team said they could not present data in less than a month.
  • I pulled together and creatively directed a small team to research and visualize a new experience.
  • We set up 8 pickups / deliveries in a 2- day period and observed & questioned drivers.
  • We documented the workflow, challenges and emotional drivers for these employees.
  • Designed an app and a vignette, showing how these drivers would interact with and benefit from our new app.
  • Demonstrated our ability to quickly ideate and deliver valuable solutions rapidly.
  • Convinced our SVP to create an Innovation Studio that could identify and present new market opportunities rapidly.
  • Presented with award for innovation at the quarterly organization all-hands (1,200 people).