
Mobile Travel Apps

Research, Prototyping: New Markets
Mass exposure to elegant apps has driven users of every demographic to expect usable, useful and delightful mobile apps, whether consumer or enterprise. Our mobile travel apps exceeded customer expectations.
Mobile Travel Apps
Customer-facing Airline App (Smartphone) and Agent Check-in App (Tablet)
  • Hard for Airlines to expand check-in footprint. * Enough agents for a high-touch experience. * Airlines needed a vendor to show the future.
  • 'User research: Lean Ethnography at 12 airports and 8 back offices worldwide.' * Led innovation workshops with airlines to brainstorm solutions. * Filtered options to mobile airline checkin app.* Built apps used by airlines worldwide.
  • Opened sales pipeline of over $100 Million for a business witt no new products in 10 years. * Stimulated creation of an Innovation Practice.