
Building a Coach–Athlete Marketplace

Generated Funding for a Startup
Building a Coach–Athlete Marketplace

A few months before starting to design this app, I had helped the CEO of a different startup radically improve the experience of his vacation rental app. This effort helped him get his company acquired. As a result, he asked me to help with his next venture—

I designed the logo, created a visual design, and designed hundreds of pages. Here is just the homepage, designed to support multiple entry points and calls to action. Note that every page was designed for responsive as well (anything below 1080w was responsive, and we designed every page to support devices with a screen as narrow as 320w).

CoachList Homepage

CoachList Search Results Page

Search Results Baseball Card View

Coach Profile Page

Coach Dashboard

Coach Dashboard- Add a Certification

Coach Dashboard- Certification Added

Coach Dashboard- Selecting a Role

Coach Dashboard- Email

Coach Dashboard- Notifications