
Visual Design for Mobile

Research, Mood Boards, Final VisD
To produce inspiring results, visual design requires exploration in a collaborative format. We conducted research (primary and secondary), defined tone, identity, personality, and language, then collaboratively crafted moodboards that inspired.
Visual Design for Mobile
Concept Abstractions As Part of Our Visual Language Exploration
  • Needed a new VisD language for a suite of apps that airlines would accept.
  • Apps needed to be white-labelable.
  • Needed to consider environmental constraints including low bandwidth, poor lighting and large numbers of unruly passengers.
  • User research at 12 airports and airline back offices worldwide.
  • Design explorations and mood boards.
  • Final design options validated with users.
  • Reference apps designed and developed.
  • User research highlighted that we met our goals for an application to be used in loud, busy, poorly lighted airport environments.
  • This visual design became the foundation for almost a dozen apps in the family of products.
  • The visual design language was adopted by and white-labeled for 2 airlines.