
Redesigning a Vacation App

Redesign, Position for Acquisition
When asked to design modern interactions on an antiquated tech stack, I did that, but also ended up helping drive business process and engineering changes required to implement better experiences over the short, medium and long term.
Redesigning a Vacation App
New Home Screen For Vacation Rental App
  • App had low engagement and conversion.
  • Tech stack didn’t support modern experiences.
  • Low satisfaction for property owners.
  • Redesigned entire app.
  • Implemented simpler booking model.
  • Optimized mobile interactions.
  • Drove business process & tech changes required to implement enhancements.
  • Led to roadmap of changes that would take several releases to implement.
  • Increased user engagement by 40%.
  • Increased demand and supply for properties.
  • Increased satisfaction for property owners.
  • Ultimately, led to successful acquisition.